A Heart of an Angel

For purchasing, please send an email to helen1970@ukr.net

Oil on canvas
Dry brush
This painting was painted in April 2021. It shows a naked man lying down. The man's face is not visible to us as it is raised up. The man is depicted as an Angel. An angel is a sexless being, having received a male body at birth. He understands that he no longer oshush himself as a sexless creature and those unexpected and new sensations for him that appeared in him when he realized that he could no longer control his body and thus turns to the creator with no understanding and longing about what to do with the desire that rushed over him. He realizes that he can no longer control it, but he does not know how to use his body. His head is raised high to Heaven in search of an answer.
The painting was done in black and white. Dry brush. Purchased Canvas

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